Friday, January 23, 2009
Tayce Brooke Heenan
How's this for an update--we have another wonderful child!!! In case you did not know, Rachelle and I were considering adoption another child. Last October, we happened to have a birthmother contact us. We were hesitant at first, but this young lady and her family were wonderful. Anyway, long story short, the birthmother gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on Sunday, January 11, 2009. She was 2 weeks early, but everyone is happy and healthy. Tayce Brooke Heenan was born at 6 lbs, 7 ounces and 20 inches long. A few days later, the birthmother and birthfather both signed affidavits relinquishing their parental rights. Rachelle and I are extremely excited and happy to share this wonderful news with you. Hunter is also very proud of his little sister (but I think he is even more proud of his new title--Big Brother). Here are a few pics of Tayce's first week home. Enjoy.